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Monday, June 23, 2014

Mom's Famous Butter Cake

Salam and good day my cute little sugar monster... eh! sugar monster! should have name this blog "Sugar Monster"... catchy name right?

By the way.. I've been doing my mom's butter cake everyday... yes, everyday.... my brother helps me to send the cakes to factory nearby..

It's delicious, fluffy and cheap! (Well... as the name suggested, I should have been using "BUTTER" instead I used margarine because its cheaper ---- thus, I can afford to sell at cheap price there.. Hate to adjust.. :(

So, here's the recipe.. Use butter please.. the taste is a lot better..!!! Trust me..

Mom's Famous Butter Cake

<<<<<<<Memula Preheat oven dulu at 180 c >>>>>>>

2 cups of butter (butter please!! do not use margarine unless you are desperate)
2 cups of very fined sugar 
*** Mix these ingredient, make sure kembang betul2 tau....nak tau kembang ke x... batter tu jadi putih pucat dan batter macam naik sikit... sampai jadi gini.... die punya peak tu stiff.. x leh jatuh....

Butter and sugar mix until fluffy..
8 eggs (the yolk)
***Telur (kuning sahaja) masukkan sebijik sebijik na.. hangpa jangan masuk sekaligus... nanti die lambat nk dissolve..

Yolk put into the batter one by one

1 teaspoon of vanila essence (room temperature.. )
1 tablespoon of ovalette (room temp)
***Mix it till combined 

In different bowl (Dry Ingredients)
2.75  (2 3/4) cup of wheat flour 
1/4 cup of corn flour 
3 teaspoon of baking powder
***Mix it  a little bit
***Put this dry ingredients into the batter earlier , little by little to ensure lumps are easily dissolved

Dry ingredients into the batter 

In another different bowl (White eggs mixture )
8 eggs (white only)
***We already used the yolk in the batter.. now, we will ONLY used white eggs and beat this with high speed...it will be foamy.. Continue beating.... Get this until it looks quite shining, and when u lift up the mixer, you'll see the white remains with a little stiff peak.. I dont have the picture for this... sorry... x sempat nak menangkap haa!

Final step
Masuk telur putih yang da dipukul dengan penuh semangat tadi kedalam adunan butter tadi... kacau secara kaup balik... jangan  pukul terlampau kuat.. nanti hang punya teloq putih, jatuh balik.. haaa... gitu....Siap !! 

180c untuk 40 minit (different oven, different temp & time -- jadi kene faham perangai oven)

Hasil sebelum dipotong

Hasil setelah dipotong sedikit
Hasil setelah dipotong banyak

Pencahayaan x berapa cantik... haha.. so gambar die macam... errrrr.... .jenuh edit... haha! tapi sedap tau... hari2 jual habis...

Sape2 nak order boleh je...Yang jauh sikit tu boleh la self pick up dekat tesco rawang or selayang mall.. 

Harga :
Plain Cake (using margarine) = RM20.00 per kg
Plain Butter Cake (using pure butter) = RM30.00 per kg

Untuk frosting , fondant, chocolate ganache harga akan berbeza....
boleh hello2 dekat 013-9916204 (Jamilah) atau gi usha kat FB "The Halal Confectionery" 

Ok sekarang gua mau tido... Bismillah...good night everybody.... 

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